Ian dont even ask how many under 25s are actually insured,especially for their "Corsa" 1.1 fitted with a 2.0 litre Red Top or Fiesta with a Duratec in,also cross hatching and double white lines are OVERTAKING areas
Also the worrying reality now is a "pool" car they insure it for their mate who has a licence ,mot and tax it, they all chip in so if any of the others are stopped driving it ,IF!! they give his details as they are all about the same age.It will come up on camera van as cosha, ANPR it comes up Ok with a young driver driving it SCARY if you are involved in an accident with any of them.
Not however limited to the younger drivers ,I was sideswiped by a "foreign" driver,5 in the car one WAS 3rd party insured said HE was the driver at the time of the accident as they did not stop, but he WAS NOT the driver " when I was hit,finally they stopped 2 miles away when the wheels fell off and two other drivers "Arrested" them.. I said to the Police Officer who turned up 40 mins later I was unable to positively identify the driver as "they all looked the same to me " as they were wearing what looked like handkerchiefs on their heads,was cautioned for making racist remarks.They actually tried making a claim for injuries and loss of vehicle from my company direct!! I was in a foreign country myself at the time NORTH WALES