Be careful Banzai....
In my thousand years driving (!), I have been booked ONCE and gained 3 points on my licence (years ago, mind you). I was driving to Southampton on a 2 lane dual carriageway. We were approaching road works (a few miles in the distance so there were no 'Road Works' signs, yet) and the traffic density had increaed and thus slowed the traffic to about 30 mph. I was in the inner lane and both had the 'beginnings' of queues. At one point, the traffic speeded up again and then the outer lane slowed and I went past (in a queue of other cars) on the inner lane.
The car behind me was an unmarked Police car (with NO addition interior mirror, mind you..... that was stowed away folding to the cars headlining) and I was BOOKED for 'undertaking'....
I didn't have a video camera and there were no witnesses who would have come forward..... and I went to court... but lost!
I think the highway code allows me to undertake in those circumstance:
Rule 163, part 8:-
"stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left"
I got my copy of the highway code out of my glovebox (yes I DO carry one! As you ALL should!) and showed the relevant section to the Police .... and that went down like a lead balloon....... I was going to be booked anyway!