I opinion, and it is only that, is that celebrating someones death is a bit sick. I was living in the US when Bin Laden was killed, and it was a bit sick. Justs makes us as bad as them.
I was born during Thatchers term so I can hardly say I lived through any of the experiences those of the mining towns endured. I'm relatively liberal (firmly on the democrat side of most arguments in the states). But I absolutely believe she did the best thing for the country in breaking the unions. No US president has had the guts to do it here and its dragging down the economy in a number of states. You only have to compare state by state whether unions are good or bad for the economy.
When a guy on a ford production line is earning $100,000 a year bolting a door on repeatedly during a day on then theres something wrong with the system. Unions can be a force for good (and they were at first) but they have abused the system and need to be controlled and Thatcher started that process for the good of the country as a whole. They kept on voting her in so the country as a whole must of approved of it.