Fernando doesn't have to prove his superiority (over Felipe) EVERY day.... he HAS done it.... Massa has FAILED by the same degree....
Webber is nowhere NEAR the performance of the witty, intelligent but un-loved Vettel. Again, this is not a 'one day event': it's over the years.... Mark simply has consistently failed to deliver whereas Vettel HAS delivered.... with worryingly consistent performances.
You ought to know your history: Napoleon said (and I precis) 'I would rather have lucky Generals than clever Generals'. In Vettel, Red Bull have BOTH! In Mark.... they have an ORDINARY General!
And finally, if it's NOT the driver, what did Lotus or Pirelli fail to design correctly into Grosjean's car that they DID put into Kimi's? Surely, by your logic, they would have fini9shed 1, 2....?