How could you POSSIBLY think getting out the SH*T caused by the last lot was going to take LESS time than it took Blair/Brown/Milliband/B*lls to us get INTO it!???
I am amazed how your comments carry an Italian accent! Surely, you can see what is going to happen to THEM and thus what will happen to US if we copy them?
We lost the triple A, not because we cut our spending TOO MUCH.... but becasue George and David have cut it too LITTLE... and even then, you are whining! Had they done any less or copied 'Headless B*lls' 'ideas' we wouldn't be Double A.... we'd be 'C' (Moody's lowest rating, 'in default').
I trust you DO know that only Canada and Germany still hold Triple A rating... and Italy's actions on Sunday seem that they may cost Germany ITS Triple A rating, soon!
Man-Up! This is going to be a LONG TOUGH Haul out...... and it's going to get WORSE before it improves! How do I know? Because I've seen it before: and this one is even deeper than the last two and they took about 8 years, each!!