I assume UFC is Ultimate Fighting Club or some such sh**!
I will reserve my answer to that until the end of this....
Yup: gladiatorial combat is banned throughout Europe.
You need to think about the chain of 'banning' events that's occurred through history. GC went earliest: even the IMMENSELY stupid could see that fighting to the death for the entertainment of the public was UNNACCEPTABLE to ANY society that has crawled out of the mire of Barbarism.
By extension, the similar desires to watch animals fight to the death has become progressively MORE unnacceptable over the years (bear-baiting, dog-fighting, cock-fighting, hare-coursing) BECAUSE they were SPECTATOR sports! It's the SPECTATOR element that makes them unnacceptable! THAT's why Fox Hunting and Fishing have NOT yet been banned (don't imagine Fox Hunting has stopped!).... neither of those are SPECTATOR sports and THAT's how they have survived as long as they have! Society doesn't seem to mind DEATH..... but it finds those who REVEL in WATCHING death.... for money.... as just TOO BARBARIC!
Even the Northern Spanish have now banned Bull Fighting..... not BECAUSE of the death of the bull.... but because it is WALLOWED-IN by the SPECTATORS! No one has closed abatoirs in Spain but they HAVE closed bull-rings! It's not the death that concerns people.... it's the SPECTATORS!
The same trend applied to prize-fighting. It hasn't been DESIGNED to kill for years.... but it HAS been designed to INJURE. Bare-knuickle boxing WAS 'banned' on the assumption that it injures more than when boxing with gloves (you may also know that it turns out to be CR*P, in that it looks as though bare-knuckle fighting injures LESS seriously than with gloves!).
So.... over time, the sport that are most barbaric get BANNED. As each period goes by, the NEXT barbaric sport gets banned.... and so on. And that's how we arrive here, still with some barbaric SPECTATOR sports still to be removed but having removed many, already!
Now, we can't pretend that bare-knuckle, hare-coursing, dog-fighting have VANISHED! They ALL still exist.... but WHERE do they exist??? They exists within cliques of the LEAST civilised, the completely UN-educated and, usually, the MOST barbaric of our society! Just GO and watch hare-coursing.... it happens round here a lot! The types of people who go to ENJOY it can be categorised, easily, by the way they drag their knuckles as they walk! There're no Nobel Prize-winners in THOSE spectators!
Now..... take a snap shot of those spectators and go an compare it to those watching bare-knuckle fights and dog-fighting. Probably, you'll find the SAME people in ALL those events.... the SCUM of our society! Now take the photo to a UFC fight and try to spot the difference! If you can... you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
You decide if many of the people at the TT look like those at the UFC......!
So you know what to look for..... watch this..... the sort of person who thinks WRESTLING is GENUINE..... God... I just LOVE this guy! Next week, he'd be at UFC, too!
This guy was in a question-and-answer session with wrestlers...... Enjoy.....