Putting it brutally, old son.... it's not MY moral compass that is questionable, it's YOURS for glorying in a 'sport' which has barely crept above the level of Gladioatorial combat!
When societies arrive at certain levels of civiliazation, they usually get RID of the more viscious sports, bear-baiting, cock fighting, gladiatoriual combat, etc., because they are simply too DISGUSTING to continue. If you haven't quite GOT to that level of civilisation, try RAISING your sights!
I am not aware of ANY GHOULS who go to watch the deaths on K2..... and that IS the difference!
I am still awaiting your answer on banning gladiatorial combat while allowing the TT!
Oh.... and finally.... you really ought to READ a bit about Mother Theresa before you start suggesting she was a GOOD person! Proably, the theme of this thread should be.... try READING more: that's how societies GET civilised!