Errrr..... you believe PARKERS to be ACCURATE......? TGhey can't even get PRICES right!
That explains it!
Ask yourself WHERE Parkers get their 'data' (I deliberately used that word in inverted commas).
Then ask yourself how a more powerful version of an Elise with the SAME basic engine can give a BETTER MPG than a lighter car..... at LOW speeds! Like Parker, you need to think about the claims made with a critical eye!
To help you, I think you'll find that Parkers get their 'data' from the standard tests required of all manufacturers which are known as the 'ECE-15' 'tests'. The improvements in the PUBLISHED figures illustrate how much the manufacturers learned about how to 'massage' their systems to optimise the TEST results.... and that has ZERO bearing on the ACTUAL, day-to-day USAGE of the cars.
An easy way to test the validity of the 'standard tests' is to compare the ACTUAL MPG of the cars delivered by car magazine testers and the CLAIMED figures. I'll be amazed if you can find ANY corelation between the claimed and the actual!
If you believe in the 'standard test' (ECE-15) figures as representing the REAL-world figures, then I also suggest you check for sixpences under your pillow when you lose your next tooth.....