The only options that I have:
1) BBC extended highlights when it's all that's available 2) BBC broadcast when THAT's available.
The only way I can look down my nose at you is when you insist on crawling around in the gutter..... However, it is nice to note that you see me as above you!
The point is that I haven't just hated the Sun/NewsofTheScrews/SKY since the 'hacking' scandals: I've ALWAYS loathed Murdoch for what he offers and for the fact that he stands for NOTHING of VALUE!
However, I had hoped that SOME of you would have realised the sort of creature with which you have been dealing and I vaquely hoped SOME of you would have started to understand WHAT you have C*R*E*A*T*E*D!
Ask yourselves a simple question:-
"What would Murdoch have to do before I'd stop buying his SH*T... because what he's done so far is not yet low enough....."
Let's remember what's being suggested:-
1) Bribing the Police force 2) Buying politicians 3) Hacking the voice mails of those who died in the 7/7 bombing 4) Hacking the emails of the forces' families who died in Afghanistan and Iraq. 5) Threatening the CHILDREN of Lawyers who stood against him 6) Hacking Milly Dowler's voicemail. 7) need I go on.....?
That will be a good way of measuring your morals! Try it: just find SOMETHING that he could do which would make even YOU say: 'enough is ENOUGH!'. Then you'll know who YOU are!
Murdoch always KNEW he couldn't crawl low enough for most of you: hence his entire busines empire!
H L Mencken once wrote:-
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the [American] public"