“ why are you all moaning about the bbc, there is still a highlights broadcast, they are saving millions of licence payers money opting out of live F1 The tv licience is pittance for the quality of the tv that you get. if you watch anything on sky there is at least 20mins of adverts every hour. bernie may be a bit of a shark but he has got F1 to where it is today!!!
a PITTANCE, £145 is not a pittance when you are forced to pay it even if you don’t want to watch any content from the BBC, how this is still tolerated by the uk public keeps shocking me, I don’t have sky so don’t pay anything to them, I have a choice. Watch few things on ch 3, ch 4, ch 5 etc but its very rare live, pvr means I can skip through the ads
I would back the bbc dumping all its big budget ventures and wage bills, they are not dependant on viewing figures like the subs/ad based channels and be forced to be self funding not relying on a monopoly that is compulsory
Imagine SKY getting the rights to force you to pay £13 a month, no free dish, no free box and knocking on your door asking you to prove you aren’t watch anything on tv, I would guess the public would have questions but when it is the BBC it is just accepted…………why
Would make an interesting case under the Human Rights Act