I'll go back to the original question.....”Would anyone in here expect to get a set of stickers designed and produced without even card/address details before work was started?”
For arguments sake, yes I would.
Lets say I come in your shop and say “can you make me this banner with this design and how much?” you say “yes £200”. “excellent I'll have one”. Now you tell me you want paying before you start work. This is because you don't know me from Jack and some people come in and order and never come back to collect and pay. And I say to you I don't know you from Jack and if I pay first you could produce crap, or nothing, and tell me to lump it because you already have my money.
In your threads you say that you know you're right, suggesting that the customer is wrong and unreasonable, but to me (now not the customer) both these arguments have fairly equal validity.
A customer wanted to buy and you wanted to sell, neither got what they wanted. Whether me as a customer is right or wrong depends on how much I wanted, or needed the banner, and how easily I can get one from your competitors. So it is quite feasible that we could both be right, or both be wrong, depending on the individual circumstances.
In conclusion, the customers stupidity, morality, hair colour, or suicidal tendencies, have no relevance to whether YOUR decision is right or wrong. Your policy, and your decision not to trust the customer, is only right or wrong by how it effects you. Does it make your business better or worse? Did refusing to risk a few hours work and a bit of money cost you much more from him slagging you off to his friends?
Of course I could go on for many pages of why I think your policy is wrong but I fear this post is already far too long. If only I had been born Leonard Cohen instead of dyslexic I could have said it all more succinctly in a two line poem.
It might have been nice to of been born rich instead of good looking as well.........but them's the breaks............or brakes to me of course.