This issue isn't about human rights. It's you lot that brought that term into the equation.
The concept of Human Rights is something that the EU created only recently. To say I should be killed in the same way as Bin Laden for expressing my views shows your complete contempt for the system of justice and the unwritten constitution that we have evolved over the last 1000 years.
In Britain under the law every one is equal and in the event we step across the mark a jury of 12 of our peers get to decide our fate, all be it we no longer give death sentences mainly because even the courts got the sentence wrong too many times.
Now contrast that with what Obama has just done. He has organised a public execution of America's so called most dangerous enemy and watched it as it unfolded and published photo's of him watching it to boot. To my mind he has just committed political suicide and made his continuance in the Presidency untenable. Yes there will be plenty slapping him on the back for the moment but the perception of him will soon change.
Like Churchill who led the country brilliantly during the war but lost the first post war election I now expect Obama to be shown the door at the next USA election too. People want their leaders to be tough but they don't want to see their hands dripping with blood.