You know my position on the TT. I would THOROUGHLY agree with you...... except..... we both know thast at LEAST 1 racer will die at 2011 TT, probably 2 and there will be, probably 2 or three deaths amonsgst the spectator/visitor bikers. If we knew that was going to happen at Monaco, I'd stop watching it because I'd feel sick! I do NOT watch races to see crashes!
That's more than died in most weekends at the COLISEUM in Rome.
I think it behoves all you TT supporters to explain to the rest of us why we should NOT look at the supporters of the TT with the same horror and revulsion that we reserve for the spectators in the Coliseum!
Don't go imagining it was like in the film 'Gladiator'.... it was NOT. For example, here are ZERO records of Christians meeting Lions..... etc., etc.! The professional Gladiators were volunteers and EXTREMELY well paid for the period.
The argument that the TT riders are:-
1) willing 2) skilled 3) are FULLY aware of the dangers 4) enjoy 6) choose to 7) come-back meeting after meeting.... if they survive......
.....fits the professional Gladiators TOO. I am at loss to see the difference between the two sets of spectators..... except YOU lot are supposed to be more CIVILISED than the Romans....
Remember, this is NOT asking you to defend the TT.... just asking you to show me the VALID and PERTINENT DIFFERENCES between those two groups of spectators: I can only see that they wore different clothes and the Romans didn't pretend they weren't there for the thrill of watching lives being risked.... and, sometimes, the 'thrill' of seeing those lives being LOST!