It wouldn't be hard to extract the best bits of communism... the problem would be find a SINGLE benefit of the system......!
You now wish to spread the fuel levelling to ALL fuels.... heating etc.. So... why not BREAD and WATER? Why not to ALL vehicles. If Fuel is an essential.... then cars must be TOO! So...... do you propose we fix the price of a Mini at the cost of a Bentley Continental or vice versa? Or do we set them ALL at the price of a Mondeo? Or do we ban ALL different types of cars and only allow Trabants..... unless you are a 'party member'....
You suggestions about Scotland paying for (for example) transport in London is rather amusing..... when the Scots take a FAR larger 'subsidy' from the MAIN part of England and when you lot get a vote on what happens in OUR country when you won't vote for the same things for your OWN country!
Having said that, I am now FULLY convinced that you are RIGHT on the concept here so I propose that we FORCE Scotland to raise the price of it's houses and housing to that of ..... let's guess..... Tonbridge Wells! If it's right that we stop 'evil multinationals' from profiteering, then we should also stop nasty little men from VASTLY undercutting the price paid by decent people in the south!
On second thoughts..... don't I really believe that we should let market forces produce the CHEAPEST prices throughout the nation for EVERYBODY rather than enforcing some little 'bee in a bonnet' of EITHER of us...... Ahhhhh..... I remember now.... I am CAPITALIST ..... and I am one BECAUSE it WORKS! Just take a short hop to Cuba and see how WELL state control of prices REALLY works.... You'll get the idea if you see it!