A premeditated act of violence that was intended to kill or maim.
Don't kid yourself that this was just a stupid kid's act of devilment, it wasn't.
The extinguisher would have been carried to the roof and there was plenty of time to contemplate the consequences of what would happen if it were to be hoisted off the top.
He wasn't drunk, he wasn't trying to get away from police, he went to the edge to drop that thing on to people who he KNEW were underneath.
If he'd come before me, I'd have imposed a far greater sentence because of the public outrage that the case attracted.
He was going to get caught anyway so they hoped for a non custodial sentence by handing him in and pleading guity.
It didn't work and rightly so.
Well done to the judge, for a change.
He's ****ed up his career anyway as he is unemployable.
I shouldn't wonder if there are skeletons yet to emerge from his cupboard.
People who do this are rarely Little Lord Fauntleroys.
America's idea of three strikes is great.