completetly agree, chelsea tractors give people who need 4x4s a bad name...we have a landrover because we tow my kart, the horsebox and trailer around to collect bits and bobs for doing up the cottage in scotland....
.....however heres an interesting argument....would you still have something against someone having a range rover, bmw x5 et all if they only had 2 wheel drive??? because then they would essentially be an is it really because people have a 4x4 that narks you or because they have a bigger car??? its an interesting argument...i remember a while back when honda bought out their new was actually only 2 wheel drive, they did a poll of 100 people of what they thought was wrong with 4x4s, people basically said they didnt see the point in having 4 wheel drive on the road, to which honda said it was only 2 wheel drive, then they said it was a gas which honda pointed out that it did better mpg than a mini cooper....then the people said it was too big for the road, to which honda said that it was smaller than a ford galaxy..... in essence people have no real reason to hate 4x4s as a whole....its just a stigma attached to them, just like bmw drivers