Off roaders can be great in the right circumstances, and I am not talking snow here.
A few years ago, I was in Costa Blanca, and I went on a day long jeep safari, a convoy of ten little Suzuki Jimny`s......
What fantastic little things they were, I was looking at the footholds of these mountains, thinking, "we are NEVER going to get up that", but these little vehicles never flinched once, it was a fantastic back that night really tired, and covered from head to foot in red dust, but, what pleased me was that we had really worked these 4x4`s for what they were REALLY intended, and had put them through their entire range of drives.....
I can never, ever understand why on earth people but off road vehicles here in the UK and then proceed to use them for mucking around up and down motorways with them, or on the school run.
It just looks so stupid, most of these people would not have a clue how to use gearing on these vehicles if they ever by accident found themselves driving in off-road circumstances.