I intend to show that you FULLY understand the point but are trying your best to evade it. I can finish this in one easy move. The answer to which has only two outcomes..... but you'll try to find a third..... and fail..... as we will see....
Just answer the simple question:-
Do you choose to insure your car through an insurer who takes your AGE and EXPERIENCE into account in charging you a lower premium than for someone with LESS age and/or experience?
Now..... I actually already KNOW the answer to that question.....as do all the OTHER readers of this thread..... you DO go for the best value insurer...... only a K**BHEAD would go elsewhere.
All of us will be aware, therefore, that you are taking advantage of a scheme which you CLAIM is somehow WRONG..... impressive, that!
Option 1) If you answer:- "Yes.... I do use such a scheme", then we need not delay ourselves for a MOMENT longer on this subject. You can carry on PRETENDING that you think it's unfair...... while HAPPILY 'mis-treating' these poor little kiddies by RIPPING THEN OFF (in YOUR opinion)! However, the rest of us will KNOW what you REALLY think!
Option 2) If you answer "No.... I don't accept the discount for age and experience and INSIST on paying the same price as though I were a 17 year old numpty"..... then we'll know that you are a liar and/or a total IMBECILE! I don't believe you are either!
However.... you'll probably just try to evade the answer or come up with some other spurious 'argument' hoping to create a smoke screen under the cover of which you'll hope to escape.... BUT.... there's not a SOLE reading this thread (god help them) who will NOT know that such an evasive answer is REALLY the answer: ".....errrr.... umm.... YES....... but I don't want to admit something QUITE so embarrassing...."
Of course, you MIGHT just try not replying...... but we will ALL know what THAT will mean...... won't we?!!!
So...... one question..... only ONE honest answer....
In the words of our old friend Dirty Harry: "come on ****........ make my day......."