Oh...... god.......!
Look, the difference is simple enough, even for YOU to get..... please try to THINK about it before we die of old AGE on this one!
In your second analogy, the the 'driver' equivalent is the M*U*G*G*E*R..... it's NOT the V*I*C*T*I*M. In THAT case, you'd need to insist that all muggers and THIEVES need to have insurance......
..... give me STRENGTH....
The person doing the potential DAMAGE is the MUGGER in one example and the DRIVER in the other!
Rest assured, if we FIND a way to pre-determine who is likely to do a mugging in EXACTLY the same way as we pre-determine that a DRIVER is more likely to cause a car crash than a NON driver..... then we'll force potential MUGGERS to insure themselves......
And..... you DON'T have a RIGHT to drive..... what you have is a P*E*R*M*I*S*S*I*O*N to drive while you are NOT banned! It's a driving PERMIT, a LICENCE...... not an unalienable human RIGHT!
If you'll bring ANY throught or SENSE to this discussion, I'll continue it.... while you descend to THIS lavel of silliness.... I think the modern saying is: 'I'm outa here....'