This gets more and more bizarre. You seem to have a very childish view of 'discrimination'
Go and check the MEANING of the word... It generally means "to make a clear disctinction between items"
It has been 'narrowed' in a 'coded' way to cover ILLEGAL or IMMORAL distinction but doing so has NOT made 'making clear distinction' illegal...... nor SHOULD it. It's the IMMORAL part that's been made illegal, in specific areas ONLY!
Thus, your examples are LUDICROUS if you give them a second's thought. It is NOT illegal to 'make a clear distinction' between black and white people. In it's starkest form, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE now for a white family to adopt a Black child. That's not only NOT against the law.... it's damned nigh a LAW that enforces it!
The part that DOES seem to be illegal is to ACT against the 'rights' of a group who are THOUGHT (god knows by WHOM!) to suffer unfairly purely on the basis of that distinction.
However, OF COURSE women can be charged MORE for things than men! Go and get your HAIR CUT in a hairdresser and you'll see we men get charged LESS, even in a women's hairdressers! Look at the cost of our SHOES, our undewear, our aftershave/perfume, etc., etc.. It works the other way, too. Many 'clubs' are free-entry to women but men have to PAY; women only compartments in trains; maternity leave as opposed to PATERNITY leave, the disproportionate number of women who are granted custody of the children compared to the number of ex-husbands, etc., etc., etc..
When it coimes to KIDDIES, it's even MORE so. Look how often there is a discount for children: half price meals, fares, rides at 'parks', airline tickets, Disney Hotels, etc.. It has NEVER been illegal do DISTINGUISH between adults and children.
Similarly, what about concessions for the Over Sixties: free bus passes, free TV licences, OAP discounts, OAP cinema tickets..... etc., etc..
So, we can see, that there ARE very few rules/laws about distinguishing between people of DIFFERENT AGES!
The case with insurance is strange. We can CLEARLY show that those with a poor accident record have more FURTHER accidents than those who have a GOOD accident history. There is NO rule against charging those who have more accidents, more money. It's also not illegal to notice that the 'bad history' bunch tend to exist in 'blocks' who have similar characteristics. For example, just about the WORST drivers in the world are professional musicians: they are UTTER CR*P at driving! Try geting insurance if you are a Musician.......!
Taking the extrapolation of that: it's clear that Kiddies have more accidents than ANY other 'blocks' (even more than MUSICIANS!). It's judged that it is NOT illegal to distinguish between Kiddies and Non-Kiddies for insurance purposes simply because the statistics PROVE that kiddies have more accidents .... and MUCH more EXPENSIVE accidents than non-kiddies!
One has to ask, however...... if it were ever NOTICED that certain racial groups have more, and more expensive, accidents than another racial group; would the insurancve companies be allowed to distinguish between them....????
I have STRONG reasons to believe there IS a racial distinction but, I suspect...... no.... I am CERTAIN.... that the law would CRUSH an insurance company who charged different premiums to different racial groups... regardless of the STATISTICS!
So.... what we know is that the rules on insurance are NOT colour-blind but they ARE age-blind. Our brilliant politicians have decided that a small number of 'distinctions' between groups are ILLEGAL. But 'age' and 'sex' are NOT in that list of groups...... and never HAVE been!
Errr.... there is a twist, here...... Insurance comapnies ARE allowed to distinguish between the rates they charge for various 'post-codes'. If a there are more, let's guess, thefts in a certain post-code, they can raise the premiums for those post codes. However, it would be interesting for a person who lives in Brixton.... (a centre that is largely populated by 'ethnic minorities') to challenge the insurance industry on why premiums in Brixton are higher than others! The courts have already decided the concept of 'generic discrimination'. For example, it's illegal to treat part-time staff differently from full-time staff because more women are part-time than men. It was adjudged that this was 'sexual discrimination' as the distinction was, effectively, to the disadvantage of women. A Brixton person might WELL choose to use the SAME legal argument...... I am sure that challenge wil come, one day......!