If, by 'discrimination', you correctly mean:-
a. The act of making a clear distinction; the action of distinguishing: discriminate b.The act of making sensible decisions; judging wisely.
.... then YES, it IS 'discrmination'.
However, if you wish to imply some sort of 'negative' conotation, then, clearly, it's NOT.
However, I'll do you a deal! You go and find an insurance company who WILL insure kiddies at the same cost that it does for whatever age YOU are and you insure with them as well. I'll stickj with those who do their BEST to keep kiddiy-boy-racers OUT!
Why....? Because it'll be Y*O*U, and ONLY YOU, who is paying quite STAGGERING premiums for your car while those of us who are just a BIT more sensible and safer will be paying a LOT less...... I have no wish to pay higher premiums to help YOUR kids drive faster cars!
As I said, please, be my guest and insure with such a 'non-discriminatory' insurance company..... we won't be sharing insurers, that's for sure...... neither will be be sharing the same price PREMIUMS! (...... or should that be: 'premia'.....?)