You seem to think that, just because you watch Big Brother and X Factor, etc., on TV, that the WORLD should be 'run' (err.... RIGGED) like that!
This site is NOT a 'popularity contest' where D&M owe you an explanation! The principle is simple.... if you like the site: stay.
Come ON guys... we stay becasue we like the CONTENT, the appearance only matters to those people who think that 'designer labels' MATTER ONE FRACTION.
The CONTENT interests us, NOT the appearance.
Yes, things ARE slow at the moment but those of us who, courteously, ask D&M what's happening believe what they tell us. And they say they are investing PROPER sums of money and time to improve things.
Personally, I find the other, more modern, layouts a DISASTER.... they never hold the threads together properly into an organised, reasable 'groups' and seem to be FAR more concerned about Avatars and Icons and that often leaves the CONTENT simply ABYSMAL.
One thing we know for sure; we don't come to THIS set of Forums because of the graphics or becasue it 'looks nice'! We are here for the INFORMATION.
Solve the slowness and it'll be remain FINE for me!