The assumption being made by everyone here was that the Bull was going to be ritually taunted and then killed. You now try to pretend that it WASN'T!
Yes.... the bull was NOT planned to be killed DURING that event..... it was intended that the suffering should be drawn out over a MUCH longer period, 'culminating' and an agonising, slow, and incomprehensible death..... on another day...... in the SAME arena...... with the SAME crowds BAYING obscenely for the pointless and harrowing (for NORMAL humans) death!
The poor damned creature has grown up being fed and nurtured by humans only to find itself ritually humiliated and threatened by the same creatures that sustained it.
Not ONE of us here is objecting that the bull gets KILLED..... well.... assuming we are all NOT vegetarians, that is. We KNOW all of our meat is SLAUGHTERED...... but.... for the even MODERATELY decent members of us, we OBJECT to the animal suffering more than it NEEDS to.
The meat that I eat will (most probably) have been slaughtered as quickly and painlessly as can be managed ...... unless we have some BIZARRE religious beliefs, that is..... and even then, the slaughter of these 'religiously killed' animal will be FAR less extended, ragged and AGONIZING than THAT actual bull WOULD have suffered had it NOT leaped into the crowd!
Personally, I don't like the attitude of those who HOPED the watchers got injured or killed as I don't approve of THAT, either.
However, you appear to be DEFENDING the practice of Bull Fighting by PRETENDING that this aninal was NOT going to be harried to death by a baying crowd..... SOLELY for the pleasure they get from WATCHING a tortured death! It WAS going to be ritually slaughtered in an obscene method...... but not immediately! And that's the ONLY difference!
If you ARE supporting bull fighting..... have some BALLS and SAY so.....
Then we'll know what sort of 'man' you are...... and what sort of creature we are dealing with, here!