Get used to it!
Skins on drums are a CONSUMABLE in exactly the same way that you sticks are! Strings are 'consumable' on a Guitar, Reeds are on a Clarinet and petrol is in a car engine!
It's a fact of life..... unless you want your drums to sound truly awful after a very short time.
Don't get into 'drums' if you can't afford to keep the stuff in good condition.
On second thoughts..... as an ex-drummer, my advice would be.... although they are fun.... don't get into drums AT ALL!
Even if you do get good..... no one EVER asks you to play whereas the every TW*T on the PLANET asks the guitarist or the keyboard player to 'play us a tune....' at parties etc.. While they get applause, reward ..... and chics..... you'll just get abuse and laughed at! My favourite moment was perfoming a drum solo on stage only find that my beloved guitar player and lead singer had lead the audience outside while I was working my guts out..... 'for a laugh'....
..... hence my moving over to guitar when I was about 17......
Out of interest, I have a number of guitarist friends of my own age, some of whom were high profile players. One has a daughter and he always said he'd never let her go out with a musician. She's now with a drumnmer and when I asked Keith about his long-term pledge..... he replied:
"Oh... he's ok....he's not a musician.... he's a DRUMMER!"
And that's how drummers are perceived!