As usual, too little thought is being given before scarey opinions are being expressed.
I don't like religions, full stop. Given a choice, I'd ban the LOT..... however, even **I** know that's impossible........ yet!
If I MUST suffer from relions (or more relistically, religious PEOPLE!) I prefer Christianity to Islam..... but so what? I assume none of us think we should be able to ban or curtail ANY religion just because we prefer something else.
I disaprove of ANY religious symbols for the above reasons: however, banning any set of symbols because they belong to ONE set of religious nutters would mean banning Bishops and Cardinals (etc.) wearing their FANCY DRESS, too.
Thus, the ONLY RATIONAL reason for which I can object to the wearing of Burkhas by those who do it BY CHOICE is that it prevents 'identification' and decent 'communication' with the wearer. However, if THAT is a sufficient reason or reasons, I would ALSO need to ban FULL FACE crash helmets or Balaclavas or welder's helmets or breating apparatus..... etc., etc..
Obviously, if the women are FORCED to wear Burkas by their demented husbands/fathers/brothers etc., I'd want to ban THAT....... BUT.... if I want to remain 'consistent', I would also have to ban the clothes forced on 'simple' men, women and children by:-
Hassidic Jews the Amish Greek Orthodox 'black' for widows Turbans for Sikhs The Jewish SkullCap Etc.. Etc..
Look closely at ALL religions and you'l find that someone feels that their (bonkers) gods think that HATS matter! Most religions seem to be ONLY about which damned HAT they wear......
Those who know your films will recognise the statement:
"Follow the shoe...... "
..... and understand the reference!
The Burkha is just ANOTHER damned silly HAT!
Look at it another way...... people who wear these MINDLESS religious symbols identify themselves to the rest of us..... at least we can SEE which ones are total NUTTERS..... without the daft symbolism.... how would we KNOW which ones are BONKERS!!!!