Think about what you are saying.....
40 to 50 years ago, we were losing F1 drivers at a LUDICOUS rate.... we changed that and they DON'T die at that rate now...... Would you suggest that we should go BACK to that death-rate J*U*S*T for the reason YOU gave about TT riders....: " command so much respect amongst ... racers".....?
Just confirm that you WOULD like us to to BACK to that 'death rate' in F1 and I'll understand your position.
If you DON'T want us to, can you please explain to dim people, like me, why safety SHOULD matter in F1 but should NOT matter to Motorcylists at the TT.......
Don't you CARE that we lose TT riders and spectators EVERY YEAR? If not, WHY don't you care ENOUGH to want to see the death rate CUT?????? What's SO important about the lives of F1 drivers and Kart racers but is utterly TRIVIAL about TT riders????
Whatever your answer, please make sure that you are CONSISTENT..... whatever you claim for TT riders, please explain why it should NOT be the SAME for karters and F1 drivers.... that'll save me a LOT of time asking that question EVERY time....