Guys..... can you HONESTLY say you are surprised that YET ANOTHER rider was killed at the TT....?
If for example, the M25 had THAT number of deaths EVERY time it was used for, basically, a HANDFUL of bikes, they'd CLOSE it......
Motorcyclist go there EVERY year in the FULL knowledge that it's F****** LETHAL... specators go knowing the SAME thing, the wider general PUBLIC knows it's lethal but.... for some reason..... it doesn't seem to matter....
When Formula 1 was 'losing' people at one TENTH the rate that occurs at the TT week; they CHANGED it until it became VERY rare to lose anyone in a YEAR. That's as it SHOULD be.
When we lose someone in Karting, we try to re-assess EVERY aspect of the accident to see if we can CHANGE something to make it SAFER. If we lost a FRACTION of the number lost at the TT week, we'd CHANGE karting or..... BAN it.....
......but, this is the TT and N*O*B*O*D*Y seems to care ENOUGH about the deaths to CHANGE it.....
..... and, what's even MORE strange is I am going to be the one that you think is 'peculiar' for saying the TRUTH about it!