rfakes has mentioned some perfectly capable software (some of which is Microsoft based), but it is all available on Windows PC.
The major (or more like a series of minor) stumbling block is that there's always a deal breaker. I know I could use a Linux PC for "almost" all tasks in the same way I could use a Mac for "almost" all tasks. However, I know I couldn't use Rotax Jetting Software or AIM Race Studio or PI Toolbox or any of the Bosch Motorsport products, or that MS Access app I wrote for tracking maintenance jobs, or MS Outlook and its alternative (Evolution) doesn't integrate well with MS Exchange, or Sage Accounts which many companies are tied into, or the MS SBS Server 2003 doesn't uses ActiveX controls for remote access which aren't available on Linux/Mac.
For many people, Mac OSX, Windows or Linux are basically irrelevant. So long as they can sync their phone and mp3 player, open MS Office documents, edit some photos and use their social networking tools (IM, WWW, etc) they're happy. For many others at home, they'll keep coming across those little tasks where only Windows has the software available. These people will wonder why they're not using Windows all the time, when it does everything a Mac and Linux PC can plus more.
For a majority of businesses, anything other than Windows is simply not an option.