Sorry abpout delay in replying.... I've been plumbing..... without a training course .....
You are right.... I did NOT know about the 'Advisor Discretionary Fund'.
The reason that I didn't is because it's NOT the way I was taught and it is NOT the way I have EVER done ANYTHING in my LIFE....
I do NOT expect the state to train ME!
Let me be fair here.... you HAVE got off your backside and FOUND a job (you do NOT seem to have been sitting around, waiting: it's just part of that 'famous phrase') and I APPLAUD you for that EXCELLENT attitude which MANY more people could take and would benefit IMMENSELY from YOUR attitude......
However, you are SO close to make that final leap of starting in business on your OWN that it PAINS me to watch you! Use this experience as a 'stepping stone'. Learn your trade, watch HOW your 'boss' runs the company: watch what he does RIGHT as well as what he does WRONG.... and LEARN. Next, make sure you SAVE and/or INVEST some of your money in the BEST tools for your new business and start to pick up all the contacts that you can.
Talk to your 'repeat customers' and get FRIENDLY with them, take an interest in their family, their dogs, their sports, their INTERESTS and make sure you greet them ALL as a friend. You'll soon start building up your reputaion WITHIN your 'company' and that will help you IF you decide to 'go it alone'. By all means, now you are IN work, try to get on ALL the training courses that you can and/or pick up as MUCH 'knowledge' in your trade as possible.
Ideally get some REAL knowledge of how to keep a set of accounts and/or get you GIRFRIEND/WIFE to learn how to do it. They can be worth their weight IN GOLD..... women are MUCH better at getting customers to pay than we men are.....
Learn how CRITICAL it is to get the money IN..... (god.... that's a lesson that I SHOULD have learned SO many times.........). Learn that you should be looking to LOSE about 1 in 3 of every jobs for which you quote.... if you don't FAIL to get 1/3rd.... then you are UNDERPRICING YOUR WORK (note to self.......). If you lose MORE than 1 in three.... you are OVERPRICING.
And so on.....
You'll finally make the 'jump'.... YES the work is HARDER on your own.... YES the risks are MUCH greater as you put EVERYTHING ON THE LINE with your business.... YES you'll have MUCH less time for YOURSELF....... but it really DOES pay-off in the end so long as you keep FOCUSED.... Remember, every action in your business is to get your 'customers' to say: "yes..... I WILL pay that bill TODAY!....." That's all it is......
Just don't expect ANY help from the state and be prapared that, in truth, the state sees YOU (the self employed) as a TROUBLE MAKER... who needs to be monitored and fined at EVERY opportunity..... you'll also note that you become a COMPLETELY UNPAID TAX COLLECTOR and you can become the subject of fines and even PRISON if you FAIL to collect the taxes on time..... (note to me...... get the VAT return in......)
But...... it is STILL worth it!
Anyway..... who'd be daft enough to employ ME...... with MY attitude.........