hmmm......i`ve had an iphone for the past two years and i too have used it as a business tool.
Nothing wrong with the iphone, it is indeed a fine phone and much more besides........BUT...
How can I put this??? Like schoolkids....lol, most do ok, but not much better than average, those are the Nokia kids.......
Many do very well, but find the going a bit tough and have to work hard to maintain their good levels, those are the iphone kids.......
Then there are the select few, who breeze through their school work, and pass all their end of year exams, without even having to try, those are the HTC android kids.........
It does more than the iphone......but more importantly, it does it so much better.
I`m not slagging off the iphone, after all, Ive had one for two years and I wouldn`t have persisted with it if it hadn`t been good.......but, I`m afraid HTC has its trousers down and spanks it`s ass.......simple as that.
As for the ipad being a filler between iphone and laptop.......it seems a pretty expensive filler to me......
But.......each to their own I guess.