Sorry to hear about that mate........but why don`t you just get yourself down to W/L, on a racing weekend.......walk around the paddock, chat to people there, see what is running, Max, TKM, etc, follow a few karts back to their awnings on practise day (Saturday) and have a chat with the driver/mechanics, tell them what you fancy doing, what you want to race, see what type of decent grids there will find most people are seriously helpful and will give you all the assistance you need, will need to get out there and put yourself about a bit......people don`t always leap off these pages to help (often they do of course, but....)
Get down to the track on race day and get the ball rolling........try to make it the Saturday practise to ask most of your questions though, Sunday....race day.....can be a bit hectic sometimes
Good luck.......make it happen