But David...
I think you miss the 'bigger picture'
We are in this UTTERLY bizarre 'modern world' because we DON'T allow 'failure'..... There is a COMFORTABLE safety-net for FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE.
Those who WON'T work hard at school need to KNOW that there will NOT be a tolerable, even ACCEPTABLE level of 'state protection' is they DON'T get a job.
At present, the level of benefits available for those who WON'T work are FAR TOO CLOSE to those on the minimum wage. In many cases, people curently LOSE money if the come off the dole and take a JOB! The 'distance between those two should be LARGE so that NO-ONE is E*V*E*R discouraged from TAKING a job. We CANNOT raise the minumum wage without making us vastly more expensive than our competitors so....... REDUCE unemployment benefit to the level where it's ALWAYS an advantage to GET a job....
If that measn those who 'fail' at school learn a lesson.... it will make those who ARE being lazy in school see EXACTLY what awaits the lazy! At the moment there is insuffiocient incentive to GET properly qualified at SOMETHING!
We currently have a sitaution akin to 'walkers in the open African Savannah. There ARE 'Lions' all around but, currently, everyone is PROTECTED from the lions even if they just DAWDLE.... Take THAT protection away and watch EVERYBODY LEARN TO RUN! Yes... that DOES mean that the LAZY get EATEN....... (but NOT the 'disabled').
We are in BATTLE with countries where 'Lions' roam free whereas OUR people NEVER fear the Lions.... and that's why the OTHER countries are leaving us for DEAD! They have learned to RUN while we just sit around!
For me..... let the lions LOOSE on all but the REALLY 'disabled'...... you just WATCH the b*gg*rs learn to RUN then! We'll be FIT enough to take on the world AGAIN..... just like we USED-to!
We do NOT owe the LAZY a living!