I'm in total agreement. Content is the most important element. Web site "designers" forget one of the most important things - Not all people have fast broadband connectivity. Hence my attitude of keep it simple and deliver what is really wanted. Unfortunately, we are in the era where cosmetics, rather than functionality, appear to sell product. When the two are combined, correctly, then Bingo, there is a potential for progress. In a lot of cases the "point and click" world, and "let's show how clever we are with graphics" is actually less productive than the "old fashioned" character based interfaces. Back to the topic of web site design, just keep it "clean" and "simple". Ensure that the content, which is needed to have impact, i.e. promote your product, is immediately visible when the web page is presented to you. Wherever possible, avoid the need to scroll down. It is much better to have a separate page to show content. This is not always possible, but should be an aim. Here endeth the lesson according to Kermit. An old f@rt who has spent 40+ years in the IT industry and has basically been there and done that, many times. (Still learning).