We all HOPE that a coaltition will work..... but it WON'T!
We both hope both parties will put aside differences and work together for the good of the country.... they WON'T!
We both hope that both leaders will forget party loyalties for the common good.... but we delude ourselves if we believe it!
Your comment is like asking us if we believe in 'Apple Pie and Mother'.....
I think this is probably the WORST decision a new Tory PM has ever made. I think we will regret it MASSIVELY.... not just now but for 20 years into the future.
However, the REAL 'villains' here are the Great British Public who simply REFUSED to see the scale of the hole in which we find ourselves.... one that can ONLY be resolved by a HARD Tory Govt... and this is NOT it! Touchy-feely is fine when things are easy (as they were when we handed a well-pruned and maintained country to Labour in 1997). Right now, it's back to the back-breaking slog of PAYING for the P*$$UP Gordon and Tony have had while in power. Thanks, voters!