For each country where we are told the 'PR works well', there's at least TWO BASKET CASES!
I'll believe that 'things work best by committee' when YOU lot start believeing it! The day that I see YOU lot stating that Man.United, Mclaren, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Beyonce, Charlotte Church... etc. would run BETTER if they were run by people who VOTED for them to produce a COMMITTEE!
As a politician who will have his SIXTH council committee meeting in the last 8 days, tonight, aqnd STILL doesn't ex[pect to have a SINGLE decision from ANY of those meetings.... I K*N*O*W how badly committees run things.
But.... of course.... knowing how RoadRat loves to live-by what he preaches, he'll be inviting us to advise HIS race-team on the basis that 'the public know best'. Staring with me..... I think he should change from Honda to Rotax but should use concrete tyres..... after all, that WOULD be the view of the MAJORITY.......
Before you tell us how WELL (for example) Germany is run by PR..... perhaps you will remember to add EXACTLY why PR has failed so SPECTACULARLY in Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain...... and don't forget the fun in Belgium and Austria!
PR leads to WEAK governments who end-up in hock to the MICRO-PARTIES. Instead of Government by MAJORITY it becomes Government by the MINNOWS!