i think part of merc's changing the car is an effort to protect the rep of a great driver (also being german at that) whether MS should have left it at that great drive in Brasil 06 time will tell, but i heard that both drivers had a similar style, rosberg just had a bad start and it went from there, at this level if your starts bad its game over lets wait and see what happens at monaco. one things for sure MS is a up there with top in history, and in 50 years from now when we are taking our food through a straw and wearing special pants we will talk to our bored grand children telling them all about this great champion , who for you who dont admire him may take comfort in he will also be wearing those special pants unable to get to the loo with out his pit crew/nurse. i think i may have gone off the point a bit ! one last point at least when he does well he looks happy and jumps up and down like we all would, raikkonen looked like you had just punched his mum in the mouth. one last thing before you all jump on me, is, it was sad that senna died when he did! we all would have had about 4 or5 years of great racing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!