Nice thinking Trev.....
I see...... if you DON'T like the EU, vote Labour....
Let's think about that, shall we......
Wasn't it LABOUR who L*I*E*D to us about giving us a referendum on the European Constitution..... and then LIED to us about it NOT being a 'consitution'?????
Wasn't it LABOUR who want to JOIN the Euro Group and ABANDON Sterling..... 'when the time is right'. And wasn't it the CONSERVATIVES that said: "NO! NEVER!"
Isn't it the LIBRERALS who have a POLICY of binding us FURTHER into into the Union INCLUDING the Euro Defence Force AND the Euro?
So..... thought and REALITY dictate that, if you DON'T want to get DEEPER into the Euro-SH*T, then the only thing you HAVE to do is to S*T*O*P the LibLab pact from getting ANY power...... and the only way to do THAT is to VOTE CONSERVATIVE!
Remember, if you WANT to keep Brown..... all you have to do is vote Clegg........