Neither of you are correct. Most people who 'made money' in the past 10 years..... DIDN'T! What they have done is borrowed off their OWN FUTURE PAYMENTS! You will be paying for MOST of the money you SEEM to have 'made' for quite a while!
It's true that businesses actually make MORE money under Labour than under Conservatives but, for the majority, the Labour's lax understanding of what 'borrowing' does the the general public, leads to this EXACT situation EACH AND EVERY TIME! Remember, those of us of MY sort of age have seen this Labout Govt. cycle of: 'Spend, spend, spend........ oh B*GG*R!.....' AT LEAST THREE TIMES BEFORE!
Your are also incorrect about the recession being the same under the Tories compared to Labour. You only THINK that becasue you haven't seen the SIZE of the recession we are in! It's been HIDDEN from you!
You probably think we have a MASSIVE debt at the moment..... BUT..... what Labour has done has caused us to have an INCREASING debt which NO-ONE CAN HALT! It will NOT be the headline '183 billion' that you know, today.......By 2016..... our debt is projected to be ONE POINT FOUR TRILLION!!!!!
Just to express that number, it's:-
Just to give you the SCALE of that number.... that's :
Just the INTEREST charges on that sum will cost EACH of us between £3,000 and £4,000 PER ANNUM at the predicted interest rate!
This number is W*H*Y we are looking like a BASKET CASE to the rest of the world! We currently have a good credit rating but being treated like Greece is NOT out of the question!
This matter is SERIOUSLY SCARY!
The Conservatives would NOT have spent the money to bail out the banks! We WOULD have had a recession but we'd have been in it NOW and we'd have been doing things to get us OUT of it NOW. What Labour has done is to bail out the banks with YOUR money...... but not from TODAY'S money..... but with YOUR taxes and your CHILDREN's taxes from TOMORROW! What they have done is to DISGUISE the recession until AFTER the election....... and BY GOD..... will we be paying for that DECEPTION until LONG after Brown is dead and buried!
All those of you who voted Labour...... You have let them do EXACTLY what we ALL PREDICTED!
Thanks a LOT!