What do you MEAN that the 'punitive' rates have done NOTHING about the 'statistics'?
It has had a HUGE effect.... as a percentage of the age group, the current number of licence applications for YOUNG drivers (those below 20) is at AN ALL TIME LOW! Less kiddies are currently applying for driving licences than in the past..... and yet....... the NUMBER of deaths and accidents is STILL going up NUMERICALLY (less young drivers out there but an INCREASE in the NUMBER [not percentage] of deaths! That is STUNNING!
How is that happening? Two possible cuases:-
1) the kiddies who ARE driving are taking more friends in their cars as LESS of them drive! When kiddies have friends in their car, they drive WORSE! When they crash, they kill MORE kiddies in each individual crash than before! (Scarily, this looks like the REAL cause of the current stats!)
2) The increasing cultural interest in 'speed' (e.g., Top Gear becoming a high-viewing program rather than the province of 'nerds' as it used to be: huge numbers of 'racing video games', etc., etc..).... added to the HUGELY increased speeds and POWER of the modern cars available to kiddies.
So...... if you WANT something ELSE done about this sitaution, the easy way is OBVIOUS...... ban under 21-year-old-drivers!
Your use of the term 'discrimintaion' is plainly LUDICROUS! To bias the charge for a legally identifiable group who COST more money to service is STANDARD CAPITALISM! Your suggestioin that is 'discrimination' is similar to suggesting that petrol compnaies 'discriminate' againt the OLDER driver because we tend to drive cars that do worse 'mileage'. By YOUR 'logic' I should be suggesting that petrol companies charge a 'flat fee' for a 'fill-up' whether I take 10 gallons or 50 gallons.... becasue that is EXACTLY the same level of dicrimination against kiddies by insurance companies!
You KEEP making the assumption that ALL people have a RIGHT to drive! They DO not and SHOULD not! Those who cannot afford to drive LEGALLY do not deserve financial support from the likes of ME!
However, having said all that..... you have a choice.... simply VOTE for the party who is offering to change the law to 'ban' such 'dicrimination'..... good luck!