For god sake.... how OLD are you?
Look, you are making the CHILDISH assumption that there is a 'conspiracy' amongst the 'establishment' that is causing YOU the problem. That is SO childish that even old Singers wouldn't suggest it!
It's simple! The Government is run (whomever is in power) by INCOMPETENTS! They do NOT want address serious and important matters that might lose the VOTES! They will NOT risk losing VITAL votes to address, in any 'grown up way', the risks in such a mass-voter-concern as the 'rights' for the 'majority' to drive AT A*L*L! Thus, they will not make The Test SIGNIFICANTLY harder than it is today! Damn it, look what happened when they tried to change the test laws on something as NON-voter-concerning as the MotorBike tests!
The insurance companies are NOT part of the GOVERNMENT! They have one interest AND ONE INTEREST ALONE! The want to make PROFITS! If they can make a profit out of spotty kids, they WILL! However, kiddies are SUCH a bad risk that they do not WANT to insure them...... but if they HAVE to accept some, they will charge them enough to make it PAY! When an insurance company charges high rates, they are REALLY saying: 'we do NOT want you!". The figures clearly show that kiddies have VAST number of STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE accidents! Companies who HAVE tried to charge significantly lower rates for kiddies have gone BANKRUPT! It's THAT simple!
The insurnace companies and the government are NOT in a conspiracy.... if they were, why was Quinns allowed tro EXIST when they (seemed to be) acting in a more kiddie-friendly manner?
However...... simply address the following questions....
1) if kiddies ARE such a 'profitable' group who are being VASTLY over-charged, then why isn't ANYONE running an insurance comapny FOR such a market at rates which YOU P*R*E*T*E*N*D to be possible and PROFITABLE?
2) If you are right, why don't YOU start a company...... from what you assume..... you will be a billionaire..... in WEEKS!