firstly please chill your beans. no need to get so angry.
the car i have purchased is a ford focus zetec 1.6, yes ino a big engine for my age. but dont bother giving me the how much did you expect it would cost treatment because i had done my research and using quin the cost is EXACTLY the same on any car from a 1.1 - 1.6. i got the quotes and it was the same every time. because the fact is... up to a point no matter what car your in your just as likely to crash its how you drive it. but like i said up to a point and that point is around 1.6.
but yeah i was just stating in this thread how its just my luck that i had it all sorted as in i have the money but now this has heppend.....quite honistly i am utuerly f**ked. dont no what il do now. 3 grand now as an opose to quins 1800. its a joke.
i maintain what iv always thought, put insurance at say £800 - £1500. then if you crash it then goes up to 3 grand or so. im getting punished for doing nothing. how is a 17 year old stil in education gonna find 3.5 grand plus money for a car and tax etc. there not.
not to waffle on, but i think putting it sooo high in a way can make it worse, less people can afford to drive, therefore those who can will show off, drive fast, crash, if every1 could afford it people wouldnt show off as much therefore not crash. just a theory. ah well. lifes a b**ch. :(