'F1 overtaking is hard enough without some %$%*& inventing chicanes along a straight.'
And difficult overtaking will inherently breed aggressive defending, as the defending driver knows that if he loses the position he may well never be able to re pass.
It seems F1 has either to many penalties being dished out for meaningless offences, prompting viewers and fans to call for ex drivers officiating races.... or not enough penalties being given out, prompting people to say the ex driver officiating 'didn't work'.
No pleasing some people.....
IMO Lewis was only retaliating for the previous lap when Vitaly did the exact same thing to him. Whether he was deliberately exaggerating the swerves in protest or just hallucinating chicanes in front of him, I liked the fact he only got a warning, after all the moves didnt really help him and Vitaly should have capitalised up the inside and made Lewis look like a fool for weaving!