Utter TRIPE!
You are no more 'in control' of your car once the 'accident' starts! The MOMENTUM is what you cannot remove from the flying bullet nor the speeding car at sufficient rate. There will hardly be a SINGLE accident where the driver is not (effectively) SHRIEKING..... "S*T*O*P you B*GG*R!" just like the marksman would be shouting....... if he had time!
You TELL me how you alter the 'trajectory' sufifciently to avoid the crash when YOU are sliding towards a car that has pulled-out stupidly from a side turning in a narrow road!
However, no one would claim that the two subjects of the analogy are IDENTICAL, it would NOT be an analogy if they WERE! For example, not many bullets have wheels which is rather an ESSENTIAL to be classed as a car...... but that is NOT a 'germane' difference, either!
Being brutal..... it's only the imbeciles of this world who DON'T realise that even the GREATEST drivers are sometimes in possession of too much momentum to 'remove' in sufficient time! Just ask Kobyashi and Webber about yesterday! They THOUGHT they were in control of their vehicles...... until they found that they WEREN'T!
Those of us who are against speeding on the ROADS have worked this out..... those who haven't, WON'T!
What ELSE did Lewis do other than 'point the car at a gap and hit the throttle'..... that's what we ALL do EVERY DAY! The difference is that, with a Gun, the short time between making the decision impact leaves LESS time for people to MOVE of conditions to CHANGE than it does in a car. In that sense, firing the gun is MUCH safer! Are you saying that you WOULD have approved of GFM firing his rifle at an EMPTY space on the same cross roads???
Once you HAVE pulled the trigger or raised your momentum in a car ..... you are doing EXACTLY the same.... waiting for 'momentum' and 'probability' to 'decide' what hapens next! If you think that you ARE in full control of events when driving, you are in for a VERY nasty, short and PAINFUL surprise! I STRONGLY suggest you stay WELL clear or Motorbikes..... or make sure your will is up-to-date!