You could 'fix' the diffuser problem in one, fell swoop! You simply make the rule that the car must carry, as it's lowest part, a single FLAT piece of material of 'x' thickness with no perforation so any sort that has the a shape which prevenst the REST of the car casting ANY shadow on the ground (at midday on the equoinoxes on the equator on mid-summer's day).
That would solve most of the 'underbody' fun and games. We already have a part of that.... the 'plank'. That would improve the airflow to the following car and MASSIVELY reduce the downforce, cornering force, braking abilities.
Then mandate a single piece, FIXED, front wing with a single endplate of reduced size.
Another easy one would be to make it illegal to have any material (except my new floor tray) below any part to the front or rear wing. That would be the end of all the multi part, overlapping wings!
It wouldn't be hard to legislate this stuff. All it needs is for Bernie and Jean to start having RESPECT for the 'audience'. At the moment, they couldn't give a F*** what we think! However, with the potential drop in audience figures for the NEXT race, perhaps they will begin to see the effect in the reduced salability of the series..... i.e., in their pockets!