F1 has, in reality, always been "boring" to watch for the non-enthusiast. The cars are timed in practice, and lined up for the race with the fastest at the front. This is not a recipe for entertainment! But I certainly do not think that it should be changed. The fastest should win, just as in horse racing, athletics, cycling etc. The problem that we have today, compared with "the good old days", is that watching a car on its own going around is no longer exciting to watch. The key thing that needs to be done to F1 to improve the spectacle is to get rid of traction control. The engine management simulated traction control that they currently are allowed makes it to easy for the drivers. The rules should be changed to state that the power that an engine delivers to the rear wheels should be solely a function of engine rpm and throttle opening. I am also highly suspicious that they are using some form of ABS - there would be far more wheel locking going on if it was just down to the drivers. Get rid of all these driver aids, including power steering, then the fun will start!