You count kids as been less than 18, I count them as 'kids' until they get married.... about 28. Thus, we only measure the word 'kids' differently.
The pensions hole/fraud is NOTHING compared to the PFI and 'borrowed money' fiascos! I suspect that neither of us benefited/will-benfit from the pensions hole/fraud!
I chose as long ago as the 1970s. to put EVRY PENNY I would have paid in pension contributions into my mortgage which allowed me to buy a MUCH bigger house. That means I am now living in my pension policy.... seemed like a good idea at the time and nothing has changed my mind about it since then! Yes... I WILL have to sell it on retirement but why would I need a monstrous house when it'll just be myself and my wife?
I thus make no apologies for any property-profit that I have made! I paid the money and I took the risks! And it SO nearly went wrong betwen 1988 and 1994!