Again, Davy; you are using CLOSED thinking! You CLAIM things are NEEDED by the communiuty when, what you REALLY mean is 'needed by ME!'
I can introduce you to THOUSANDS of people who will tell you that they NEED a PROPERY funded BBC!
What we see here is that the BBC is not one of YOUR priorities and thus 'we don't want it'! State education may not be one of MY priorities but I do NOT claim the right to deprive YOU of it!
The demand for the current BBC is SO enormous that I am happy to help subsidise it..... and I am even happier if YOU are forced to subsidise it, too! And you feel the same about State Education..... so we are even...... except it costs me IMMEASURABLY more to subsidise YOUR state education than it does for you to subsidise 'my' BBC!
Your last part is total RUBBISH! If you are correct (and you probably are) about the delivery system of TV in the future, then the Govt only needs to invent a REPLACEMENT 'tax' (err.... licence fee) and if that means a tax on ISPs, your phone lines, bandwidth, download-'volume', etc., so be IT! I can't see there being ANY doubt about them being able to do that; they have already given some details of the concept in the 'broadband' 50p levy.