Remember, Chris, it was in 1975, and I was 23..... that twenty ...... errrr no THIRTY FOUR YEARS AGO.... Trust me, you'll forget, too! Oh..... and the film shows me collecting a trophy so..... it wasn't a B final or a heat!
However, WAY back then, there were SO many entrants in 100 National, we used to be split into A, B and C 'groups'. You began your novice national 'career' in C group and remained there until you showed you could 'hack it', you then moved up to B and learned the ropes there, too. If you couldn't hack it or your budget prevented you from having good kit, you could drop back but..... if you got better, you moved into the A group and those guys COULD drive!
It was a great system, it meant you remained within a group where you WERE capable and you could NOT get in the way of those who COULD drive until you proved your 'metal'.
Ahhhhhh...... those WERE the days..... Imagine, a ORDINARY CLUB grid of 60 to 80 Nationals!