This used to be sold as a gauze bag of tin pellets that you bunged in the fuel tank.
The 'idea' is over 50 years old.
IT DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm not afraid to say it.
It relied on the fact that a lot of engines were never exposed to the rigours of hard motorway driving and would not suffer the extensive seat recession that occurs when soft seats are deprived of lead.
In fact many early engines would run on unleaded fuel without harm.
The seats in engines that stopped using leaded fuel had a 'memory effect' that would protect the seat for up to five thousand miles, long enough for the peddlers of this ridiculous piece of 'scientific' tripe to pass the blame on to some other reason.
This thing has gone through many transitions over the years but they have NEVER been able to prove scientifically that it works and it has been dicredited countless times and I'm surprised they still have it on the shelf of their Bunco Booth.
Save you money or send it to me.
It's like the water conditioners that rely on magnets to 'align' your water molecules.
Yeah right, magnetic water. See my advert for a black hole torch that requires no batteries.
I recently dismantled a 'solar power torch' that a friend had purchased from a pound shop.
The 'solar panel consisted of a piece of silk screen glass that looked like a solar cell but wasn't actually connected to anything, The battery was a normal CR2016, but by the time you realise that it doesn't recharge, the pound shop has closed down.
Chinese tripe and ALL imports of this junk should be banned.