Oh come OFF it! There has been MASSIVE rigging in the 'sceptics' case, paid for by the BIG BUCKS car companies and the Oil Companies! Get REAL, David! They have been PAYING FOR the CR*P which you have been reading EXACTLY like the Tobacco companies did over smoking!
BOTH sides have been rigging but the ONLY people PAYING for it are the Oil and Car Companies!
Let's try an analogy:-
We both know that you know VASTLY more about engine tuning than I do and I DO and HAVE bowed to your superior knowledge on that subject on MANY occasions. All respect to you!
What YOU are now doing over GW would be like ME saying: "I know s*d-all about engine tuning but David has got it all wrong because I have read 'Singers' views on water-powered Honda engines. I can find LOADS of articles in newspapers, magazines, web sites, etc., which ALL go to show that David is sayibg 'use petrol' because his data is RIGGED"
Now.... we'd ALL know such a statment would be B*LL*CKS but YOU are saying exactly the same over GW!
How do we KNOW my above claim is b*ll*cks? Becasue we have READ the textbooks on PHYSICS and we KNOW that (without fission or fusion) there IS no energy available from water! However; those people who are IGNORANT of the physics (and we know who THEY are) damned well HAVE claimed the above 'b*ll*cks'!
The ONLY reason you and I know that the water engine is b*ll*cks is becasue we have EDUCATED ourselves. However, you have NOT seen that the Anti-GW stuff is b*ll*cks only because you HAVEN'T read the DATA!
Go and READ THE DATA and you will convert EXACTLY LIKE I DID!
And, for precision, exactly like EVERYBODY ELSE WHO H*A*S READ THE DATA!
The subject is no more 'open for discussion' than is the damned 'water engine'!